Sourcing report

What is a sourcing report?

You will see sourcing credits in your account if you are on a sourcing credit-based plan.

You can easily track your sourcing credit usage in the dropdown menu:

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What is a sourcing report?

In the Billing tab of the account settings settings, company users have the option to request a sourcing report. It’s a list of all the people you sourced and were billed for in a specific billing period.


How to request a sourcing report

In the Billing tab click on Get sourcing report to request one. Let us know in the email if you would like it to be for the current billing period or any of the previous ones.

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What will you receive?

You’ll receive a CSV file containing:

  • the name of the engineers you sourced
  • the credit status (whether it was taken or re-credited)
  • the date the person was sourced
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