The cord Method

4-Step guide to making direct hires

The cord Method has been designed from the learnings of thousands of companies who have made direct hires on cord. Following this simple 4 step-guide gives you the best chance of making hires, with minimal time and effort.

Watch our 5 minute guide 📺


1. Build Specific Streams 🎯

Streams are filtered views / searches of people actively looking for work on cord. New people will enter your streams the second they start looking for work. And you'll be notified when this happens. Editing your stream filters so that they show relevant people for your position is the number one most important thing for hiring on cord.  More about Streams.


2. Zero your Streams 0️⃣

Message the people you’re interested in and hide the people you’re not to bring the number of people in your streams down to zero each day.

This gives you full visibility of new candidates as they join cord. Aim to message these candidate within 24 hours. New candidates have a 65% chance of responding positively. Candidates who are a week old have a 30% chance.


3. Build powerful outreach messages 💬

Using outreach templates allows you to message people on cord in 3 clicks. Using the automated follow up tool gives you another chance to reach a candidate with no extra effort from you and will boost your response rate.  Outreach Templates.

Integrate your calendar to attach an interview invite to your outreach template. Our Interview Scheduler allows people to book directly into available slots in your calendar. Using the Interview Scheduler results in 50% more confirmed interviewsMore about Calendar Events.


4. Respond to every application 📥

Applications are a vital source of quality candidates. Responding to each one ensures no one gets missed. Keeping your response rate at 100% will also boost your visibility on cord, as our algorithm promotes the most responsive companies, increasing the number of high-quality applications you receive.


Users who follow the above process source higher quality people, schedule more interviews & make more hires. Follow these steps religiously, and you will make direct hires, and you'll make them fast.

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