How to source: The definitive guide

5-Step guide to sourcing

67% of hires made on cord are from companies proactively reaching out to candidates. Only 33% come from incoming applications. You can double your chance of hiring by consistently reaching out to people on cord.

Follow The Definitive Guide to Sourcing to double the chances of hiring your position on cord. Sticking to the process below will result in over 60% of the messages you send converting into a confirmed interview, and you will spend no longer than 15 minutes a day sourcing on cord. This process will get you results. Study it. Stick to it.


1. Find people by editing stream filters 🎯

Streams are filtered views of people actively looking for work on cord. New people will enter your streams the second they start looking for work. And you'll be notified when this happens. Editing your stream filters so that they show relevant people for your position is the number one most important thing for hiring on cord.  More about Streams.


2. Build an outreach template with an automatic follow-up ✉️

Outreach templates allow you to send a saved outreach message to a person with an automatic follow-up if they do not respond. Using outreach templates allows you to message people on cord in 3 clicks and improve your response rate.


3. Attach your interview availability to the message template 📆

Integrate your calendar to send your interview availability to people with your outreach message by using the Interview Scheduler feature. People will then respond by booking interviews directly in your available slots. Using the Interview Scheduler results in 50% more confirmed interviews.


4. Message new candidates within 24 hours ⏰

Aim to message new candidates within 24 hours. New candidates have a 65% chance of responding positively. Candidates who are a week old have a 30% chance. You will interview twice as many people if you focus on speed. You will be notified by email or by Slack of new candidates.


5. Zero your streams 0️⃣

You should aim to bring the number of people in your streams down to zero. To achieve this, message people you are interested in and hide people you are not interested in. This will mean you only ever look at new people - it will save you hours of time.


Users who follow the above process source higher quality people, schedule more interviews & make more hires. Follow these steps religiously, and you will make direct hires, and you'll make them fast.

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