How to improve your responsiveness?
On cord, responsiveness is measured in two ways:
- How responsive companies, positions and hiring managers are to incoming messages from people.
- How responsive people are to incoming messages from hiring managers.
In this guide we're going to explain why it's important, how to improve how responsive you are to incoming messages and how responsive people are to your messages.
Improving your responsiveness (inbound)
One of the most frustrating parts of looking for work is sending off countless applications and not hearing anything back. People join cord to avoid this lack of responsiveness and to speak to someone directly.
When your response rate is public and easily available to people, it becomes a factor in their decision of whether they'll reach out to you. The best people on cord are selective about who they approach. They will be more likely to approach you if they feel confident you are respectful and responsive to the people who take the time to send you messages.
How frequently you have responded to people over the past 30 days is visible to everyone on cord. It is calculated as the percentage of requests you have responded to (positively or negatively) in the last 30 days. Your average time to respond is also visible.

This data is also publicly available for individuals and positions on cord.

Keeping your responsiveness stats high can be difficult - responding to each incoming request, whether it's positive or negative, can be time-consuming. To help you respond to all people who approach you we've built accept and decline templates, meaning responding with feedback to people will only ever take three clicks.
Use the templates to dramatically speed up your workflow and keep your responsiveness to incoming messages high.