cord Hiring Leaders Awards



What are the cord Hiring Leaders Awards?

The cord Hiring Leaders Awards celebrate the Top 20 companies in Small(1-50 employees), Mid-sized (51-500 employees) and Large (500+ employees) categories, who set exceptional standards in hiring.

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The 3 categories that companies are ranked in the Spring 2023 awards are:

  1. Most Responsive: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that responds to the highest % of applications within 14 days. Where response rates of companies are the same, the company with the most applications are ranked higher.
  1. Fastest to Respond: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that are the fastest to respond to applications.
  1. Gender Diversity Sourcing: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that sourced the highest percentage of females above the industry average.

When are the awards given?

The cord Hiring Leaders awards are announced in the final month of each season. The date range used to measure the awards is the preceding 3 months. As below:

  • Spring announcement: May
    • Measurement Period: February, March, April
  • Summer announcement: August
    • Measurement Period: May, June, July,
  • Autumn announcement: November
    • Measurement Period: August, September, October
  • Winter announcement: February
    • Measurement Period: November, December, January

Who qualifies for contention in the awards?

Any company with an active cord subscription at the closing date of the awards can qualify for an award.

  • For example, if a company has an active subscription at the end of April, it will be in contention for the Spring Awards (announced in May).

A company must have had 10 or more interactions on cord relevant to the specific award.

  • For example, to qualify for the “fastest to respond” award, the company must have had a minimum of 10 applications across the award period.

What happens if my company wins an award?

If your company wins an award, congratulations. You are leading by example to the rest of the industry.

If you have won an award, you will be emailed by your Customer Success manager before the announcement date for the season, letting you know which award/s you have won ahead of the public announcement.

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When the awards are announced publicly you will be sent links to the public award pages, and be tagged in the relevant LinkedIn post/s. You will also be sent images and assets you can use to share the awards on your own social pages, and to help improve your employer brand.

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