Hiding usability enhancement

Key changes

  1. The “undo” snackbar now stacks, and is visible for 3 seconds.


Last summer we released the Unhide feature which allows company users to undo the Hide action on streams. This was a highly requested feature as users are often working through streams quickly and want to be able to undo if they accidentally hide someone.

However, since the release, we received a large amount of feedback (on PMF responses, in Support and confirmed by CS on calls with customers) that there were issues with the feature.The crux of the issue was:

Hiding an engineer is too slow and disrupts the flow of working through a stream


Now when a user hides an engineer, the profile is hidden instantly and a snackbar appears (see screenshot).

Notion image

The snackbar is visible for 3 seconds and gives the option to Unhide the engineer. This makes Hiding & Unhiding much smoother.


More great work from our Front End Team. Thanks to Katerina who designed it, and Andres who built it.

What next?

We’ve wrapped up our Bugs, UX/UI Issues project, so we’re moving on to focusing on bigger bets to improve our user experience. This includes how we can help engineers find more relevant positions, and help companies for more relevant people.

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