🚀 Product Updates

What’s new?

Webinar: Supercharge your application workflow

How to save time with our new feature set, designed to help you surface quality applications and keep your response rate high.

BETA: Profile Match Score

Surface quality applications instantly. Scan for matching criteria in seconds.

BETA: Supercharged Application Inbox

cord Hiring Leaders Awards

Hiding usability enhancement

 Location search fix

Calendar integration issues help

Recrediting update

Sourcing credits update

Salary Benchmarking Tool

Enhancement: Addition to the Greenhouse Integration

Enhancement: Unhide button

New release: Unhide an engineer from your stream

Enhancement: Prompt to pause stream notifications

New release: Language filter

New release: Teamtailor integration

New release: Lever integration

Enhancement: Positions without a hiring team

New release: Report and block

New release: Interview Scheduler update

New release: Autogenerate streams based on your positions

New release: Mark engineers as hired on cord to give them a free limited edition cord jumper

New release: Manage your payments

New release: Duplicate streams & positions

Enhancement: Location Logistics

New release: Source without bias

New feature: Invoice emails

New Release: Tools to write better messages

New Release: Active and Passive Positive Response Rate

New Release: Underrepresented Groups

New Release: Respond to people who have declined your message

New release: Instant Messenger & Real-time notifications

New Release: Brexit & Visa Status Update

New Release: Introducing Map View, Save & Hide

Enhancement: Messaging Experience Update

Enhancement: Tagging Update

New Release: Workable Integration

New Release: Responsiveness Transparency

Enhancement: Position Primary Contact Update

New Release: Accept Templates

New Release: Decline Templates

New Release: Calendar Events