Salary Benchmarking Tool

What is the Salary Benchmarking tool?
Company users on the Growth, Scaling and Unlimited pricing plan can now access a dashboard powered by thousands of data points on cord to help them understand the salary expectations for the most popular positions on cord.
The most comprehensive salary benchmarking tool of its kind. cord gathers salary data from thousands of technical and product people, who range from working in an early-stage start-up to a FAANG tech company like Google or Facebook.
Where to find it?
The tool is accessible from the dropdown menu.
Benchmarking is currently only available for the most popular positions on cord in the UK. As our data set increases, we'll be able to benchmark more salaries in the UK, USA and EU.

Why use it?
You can start more meaningful conversations with a deep understanding of the candidate’s salary expectations. It provides you with deep and accurate insights about salary expectations. You can see the salary expectations of people with different job titles, skills and remote preferences - and compare them with salary expectations of other job titles and skillsets.