New Release: Active and Passive Positive Response Rate

We've just released a small update to your Analytics page so that your positive response rate (PRR) is split into Active candidates and Passive Candidates.


This means that our users can message passive candidates without reducing their Active PRR, which we know a lot of companies work hard on keeping high.


So from now on when you message an Active candidate it will contribute to your Active PRR, which we encourage you to focus on keeping high by following these steps. And when you message a Passive candidate it will contribute towards your Passive PRR.


You can toggle between Active and Passive PRR in your company Analytics page as below:

Notion image

And you can view your User and Position-based Active and Passive PRR in the table as below:

Notion image

All historic messages will be counted as Active as we aren't able to retrospectively track whether a message was sent in the passive or active database, but data from this point onward will be completely accurate 🎯As a benchmark, you should aim for a 50%+ Active PRR, and around a 5% Passive PRR.


Useful resources for improving Active PRR:

  1. Getting a 70% PRR
  1. Writing outreach messages that get positive responses
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