Enhancement: Positions without a hiring team

Up until now, it’s been possible to have live positions on cord without any associated members of the hiring team. This is normally due to members of the hiring team leaving the account (either deleting themselves or being removed by someone else), leaving the positions they were associated to without any hiring team. This led to inbound messages from engineers being missed as no user would be alerted.


Now, when you log into your account, if there are any active positions with no associated users you’ll be asked to either pause the position or associate members of the hiring team. The positions will be automatically paused in 2 days if you don't choose a hiring team.


If you delete another member of your hiring team who is the sole associated member of any active positions, you’ll be prompted to either pause the position or choose someone else to associate the position to.

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These enhancements should result in less inbound messages being missed and help improve your responsiveness 🎉

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