Account Settings

How to manage your account settings

All account changes can be done by going to Settings from the main drop down menu in your profile and then to the Account tab.


  • You can select which positions you are associated to. This will affect your inbox and the notifications related to these positions.
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Account preferences

  • You can change the theme you want cord to have across all pages (light mode or dark mode)
  • You can switch on or off source without bias, a feature which masks candidate names and pictures on streams to remove unconscious biases.
  • You can turn on/off positions advertising (your cord roles being put on Linkedin and/or on job boards).
  • You can adjust the visibility of hidden people
    • Stream: candidates will be hidden on a stream level
    • My account: candidates will be hidden on your account from all of your streams
    • Everyone: Candidates will be hidden from all team members and searches across the company account
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Beta access

  • You can switch on or off beta access to features
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Application settings

  • Configure the application settings for each of the active positions associated to your profile to receive only the right type of applications.
    • Block applications from people that require a visa: if you toggle this on, people without the right to work in the specified locations will not be able to apply to your position. This is adjustable per position.

Finally, you can delete your account. Note: if you are the only company user, you will have to reach out to us directly to delete the account!

If you have issues with any of the features, please contact and we’ll investigate.

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