Source without bias

How to mask candidate names and pictures to remove any unconscious biases when sourcing

You can mask candidate names and pictures to remove any unconscious biases when sourcing.

You can switch this feature on and off in your settings (go to Settings from the main drop-down menu in the account).


With the feature enabled, all people you see in the sourcing process will have their photo and name masked. In replacement of their name, you will see just the initials of the person which will allow you to distinguish each person without biasing your opinion because of their appearance or name. Details will be hidden for people in your:

  • Streams
  • Shortlists
  • New candidate notifications (Slack and via email)

Once you start a conversation with a person, their details will become visible.

Note: This feature is built specifically for removing bias in sourcing, so people who apply to your positions will not have their details hidden.
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