Notifications management

How to manage your notifications (email, Slack, in-app)

There are a few ways you'll receive notifications and managing them correctly will allow you to keep your time on cord down to a minimum, ensuring that you're hiring as efficiently as possible.


The three types of notifications are:

  • Email notifications
  • Slack notifications
  • In-app notifications

To find your notification settings, head to the drop-down menu in your cord dashboard. Click on Settings and navigate to the Notifications panel.


Email Notifications

By default, you can receive three types of email notifications from cord - emails about positions, streams and cord updates. You can choose which positions and streams you wish to receive notifications for.


Position Emails

You can receive notifications when people send you message requests about your positions.

In this section, check the boxes of the positions that you're hiring for and deselect any that are paused or belong to team members.

Note - When you remove yourself as a hiring manager on one of your positions you may still be subscribed to position notification emails for that position. Double check your notification settings after you create, edit or pause positions to ensure you don't get any unnecessary notifications.

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Stream Emails

  • You can receive notifications about new people appearing in your streams;
  • You can also receive emails notifications with a summary of people in each one of your streams - sent three times a week (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).

We'd recommend keeping all notifications on for streams - one of the most important aspects when hiring on cord is your time to message. Being notified of new relevant people who join your streams will help you to message them quickly and increase your chances of getting a positive response back.

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Other Emails

  • You can receive notifications about cord product updates;
  • You can additionally receive notifications with cord learning resources.

It's up to you whether you receive any Product updates or learning resource emails from cord, but we promise to keep them short and 100% informative!

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Slack notifications

Slack notifications give you the option to take some load off of your email inbox and receive stream notifications in a dedicated slack channel.


How it works:

  • Receive instant Slack notifications every time someone starts looking for work that matches your stream criteria (people appearing in your streams).
  • View people profile summaries in Slack.
  • View full profiles or hide them in one click.

If you have your Slack integrated with cord we'd recommend only receiving stream notifications in Slack. Rinse and repeat the same process as you did for the emails section - only receive notifications for positions you're involved with.

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In-app Notifications

You can now access all your messages from any page on cord by clicking the message tab located at the bottom right of your screen.


You will also receive real-time notifications when a person messages you and you will be able to reply to all through the message tab without having to navigate to your messages page.

The list of messages in your message tab mirrors your inbox, so all notifications would be synchronised.

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