Calendar integrations

How to integrate your calendar (Google or Outlook)

On cord, you can easily integrate your calendar and include booking availability in your messages to people.

Once you connect your Google or Outlook calendar, you can set up different interview invites and attach them to your outreach and other messages. People can then book meetings with you straight away while replying to your message request.


Why use Interview Scheduler?

Outreach messages sent with Interview Scheduler invites are 50% more likely to result in a confirmed interview. You’ll avoid any unnecessary back and forth finding availability


How does Interview Scheduler work?

Interview Scheduler works in a similar way to other calendar scheduling tools like Calendly. Once set up, you will be able to create an interview invite (eg. 30 minute video call) and share your availability with people on cord in outreach messages or the ongoing conversation.


How to use Interview Scheduler

1. Connect your calendar

You will first need to connect your calendar (currently available ones are Google Calendar or Outlook). cord will recognise when you have available slots and present them to people. People will not be able to book slots when you have other non-cord events in your calendar.

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Note: If you are integrating your Google Calendar you will need to allow cord to: "View your Calendar settings" & "View and edit events in all of your calendars" on the authorisation step.

2. Set up Interview Scheduler and set availability

Once you integrate your calendar, you can create events - 3 will be created for you automatically and you can just edit them afterwards. Events are interview types that you can to share with people. In most cases, companies use either a 30-minute phone call or 30-minute video call as their event. When a video call is created, a Google Hangouts link will automatically be added. With the Outlook Calendar connected, a Teams link will be added (or a Skype one if Teams is not used).

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3. Name your interview invite

Add an event name to your interview invite so that you can differentiate between the different types of interviews you're scheduling on cord. This will only be used internally for managing your interview invites.


4. Add guests to the event

Enter the email address(es) you'd like to invite. When a person selects and confirms the interview time, all guests will receive a calendar invite.


CV is now linked in the interview invite

The person’s CV will be linked in the interview invite description. Please note that the link to view the CV will expire 1 hour after the interview.


5. Set your availability

When you click to edit each interview invite, you will be able to adjust your availability. You may for example wish to not allow interviews on a Monday or in the first 2 hours of a day. All this is achievable on this page.

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Note: People will not be able to book times in slots where you have other events, so there is no need to block out times when you have meetings in your calendar.

6. Add events to your outreach templates

With your event and availability set up, you can now attach interview invites to your outreach message templates, or you can add them to any outreach message or ongoing conversation.

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Note: It's recommended that you add your interview invite to your template, to save you adding it to each individual message.

7. Send the interview invite

Now when you send your outreach template the calendar availability will be automatically attached. You have the option to edit your availability for specific candidates. You can also add the interview invite to other outreach templates and in already existing conversations.

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Interview Scheduler Troubleshooting

There are some common causes of issues with Interview Scheduler that can generally be solved by following the below steps:

  1. Check that there are no Out of Office (OOO) or Annual Leave (AL) events in your calendar from your colleagues which you created or accepted. The calendar function does not allow events to be booked in your calendar when there are other events. This is the number one cause of problems with the Interview Scheduler feature.
  1. Make sure you also don't have any all day events that would block out the day for any bookings. For example, Outlook calendar gives an option to put something in the calendar but mark your availability as open. This would still block out the time for any bookings as the there is physically something in the calendar.
  1. Disconnect and reconnect your calendar here.
  1. If using Google Calendar, ensure that you give cord permission to "View your Calendar settings" & "View and edit events in all of your calendars" when integrating the calendar.
  1. Make sure you have notifications turned on if the issue is with not getting them when a person books a meeting. This can be configured in your Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook Calendar settings.

Watch this short video explaining how and why to use Interview Scheduler

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