Recrediting update

It’s now possible to request a recredit from your inbox, in cases where the sourcing credit has been charged but does not meet our sourcing promise.

cord’s sourcing promise A sourcing credit is only used if there is mutual interest between you and a candidate. In the event that this is not the case we will recredit your account.

What are some examples of this promise not being met?

  • The person is not actively looking for work.
  • The person has accepted your message request, only to say they are not interested in your position.
  • The person is not looking for a permanent employment.
  • The information available to you on the candidate’s profile was misleading or incomplete when you first message them.

In these cases, you’re eligible for a recredit. More examples and the full guide to recrediting is here.


How recrediting works

Proactive recrediting

cord’s Trust & Safety Team monitors conversations and proactively recredits back to accounts in instances where a sourcing credit should not have been used.

Previously, if an instance was missed, you would have needed to email to request a recredit. This was a manual process for you, and for our team.

We’ve streamlined this process so it’s now quick and simple to request a recredit and track the status of your request.

How requesting a recredit works

Notion image
Notion image

cord’s Trust & Safety team will review your request within 1 working day and, if eligible, recredit your account.

You can check the status of your recredit in your inbox - you’ll see the labels:

  • Request pending: we’re reviewing your request
  • Recredited: your request has been reviewed and a recredit has been granted
  • Recredit denied: your request has been reviewed but it was not eligible for a recredit as it does not meet the criteria
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