Sourcing credits update

We’ve made two major changes to how sourcing credits work to help make your costs on cord more predictable, easier to manage & fairer.

The key changes are:

  1. Removal of overage charges by default
  1. Credits now rollover

1. Removal of overage charges by default

Previously, if you went over your sourcing limit you’d be charged £50 or $60 for each person you sourced over your limit. This works for some companies, but for others, it meant that cord charges were too hard to predict, and made some of our users fearful of reaching their limit.

In this release, we’ve removed overage charges as the default setting for all accounts. Meaning you can source without fear!

Now when you reach their sourcing limit, you’ll be able to choose how you wish to continue sourcing in that month: either upgrade or continue with PAYG charges.

How does it work?

PAYG switched off

The default setting in all accounts is PAYG toggled OFF. PAYG toggled OFF means that when you reach your sourcing limit, messaging new candidates will be disabled.

When you reach this point, we recommend upgrading to the next plan so you can get more sourcing credits. The cost of the upgrade will be pro-rated for the time used on the plan in that month. This is the most cost-efficient option as the cost per credit is significantly less than the PAYG per credit charge. The upgrade will automatically apply to the next billing cycle too.

Alternatively, you can switch to PAYG at this point, meaning you’ll be charged £50/$60 per extra credit used in that billing cycle.

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PAYG switched on

Switching PAYG on will mean that once you’ve reached your sourcing limit, you’ll be charged £50 or $60 per extra sourcing credit used. Any extra credits used will be charged at the end of the billing cycle.


If you choose neither of these options, engineers will still be able to respond to any message requests you sent before you reached the limit, and you’ll still be able to accept incoming requests, without paying extra. Instead, all additional sourcing credits used for those requests will be taken off your next billing cycle’s credit balance.

Pay as you go toggle

In Settings > Billing you can now toggle on or off Pay As You Go (PAYG) at an point.

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2. Rollover credits

Previously, if you didn't use all of your monthly credits, they would expire at the end of the month. We’ve released roll over credits to make this system fairer for our users.

How does it work?

Now, as long as your subscription is active, unused credits will roll over (up to 2x your monthly/yearly sourcing credits). This means in months where you have a lower sourcing need, you’ll be able to retain the unused credits for future months.


For instance, if you have 30 sourcing credits/month in your plan and you use only 20, 10 will roll over and you’ll have 40 sourcing credits available to use in your next month. If you stop using cord for two consecutive months but keep your subscription active, you'll accumulate 60 sourcing credits and start your hiring the next month with 90 sourcing credits available.

Pausing your account

⚠️ You will lose any unused sourcing credits at the end of the billing cycle if you pause your account.

You can read more about how sourcing credits work here
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